About Toronto Cowboy Church
Toronto Cowboy Church is a congregation rooted & grounded in the love of God and dedicated to transformation through revival. It's our goal for God's love to be manifest in signs, wonders, & miracles. The atmosphere here is charged with faith & joy, which manifests in all we do. We believe we're on the edge of the greatest revival of all time. It's our vision to see each and every person that joins with us to have a personal relationship with the Father, a relationship with all other followers of Jesus, and have a relationship with the world. This is where we will see the kingdom of this world become the Kingdom of our God! We welcome you to join us in this journey.
Toronto Cowboy Church began as a vision in 2007 that God gave Pastors Jon & Becky Petty. His first words were "Go to Kansas and start a church". After a series of confirmations, in December 2007, the Petty's moved to Toronto Kansas. The first of January 2008, construction began on "the bunkhouse" which was to be a combination temporary residence and barn. On January 8, the first church service was held in the partially constructed bunkhouse with 8 in attendance! God began to do many miracles and added to our numbers quickly. Some seasoned Christians saw God moving in Toronto and moved from several places (Houston, Kansas City, Amarillo) to join in the work along with many forerunners locally. By Spring 2010, the church had enough money saved to begin construction on the current building.
In August 2010, Toronto Cowboy Church began meeting in our current building with 30-40 regularly attending. Construction continued as enough money was saved to begin each phase. In May 2010, construction was completed on the 4,000 square foot building with 97% of the property being debt-free. Construction on an arena is currently underway. God has continued to add to our numbers with 100-120 adults in regular Sunday attendance. Classroom renovation is expected soon!