Kidz Cowboy Church
KidZ Cowboy Church is where Ordinary kids are doing Supernatural things for God!
Children meet with other kids, ages 4 through Grade 6, to enjoy Bible stories about Jesus’ life. They will learn about how each of us can hear from the Holy Spirit and obey Him. Our kids enjoy learning through games, memorizing scripture, crafts and projects, songs and experiments, and acting out stories with other classmates.
We desire children learn Who they are in Christ, and how to live for Jesus in their homes, at school, on the playground and in all their daily lives. They will be given tools to use to share Jesus with their friends and family. All of this in an atmosphere of love and acceptance of their gifts and unique talents given to them from the Lord.
The Superkid Creed
by: Jessica Busteed
I am a Superkid - Servant and child of the Most High God.
Jesus is my Savior and my Lord.
I am filled with His Holy Spirit.
I obey His written Word.
I hear every word that He speaks to me and I obey quickly without arguing.
I live and walk by faith not by what I see.
I walk in the power of my strong spirit.
I am full of wisdom and understanding
I lay hands on the sick and they recover.
I win people to Jesus.
I do not lie - I am always quick to tell the truth.
I do not steal - more